We're hiring! - YouTube Coordinator Job Submissions

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We're hiring! - YouTube Coordinator Job Submissions

Wed Nov 30, 2016 5:47 pm

This thread is a place for you to specify why you feel you should have this job and is a continuation of this home page post: http://www.renmx.com/2016/11/30/were-hiring/

I'd recommend posting examples of videos you've already made or other times you've been in charge or something important with a great outcome. Also feel free to submit the ideas you wish to implement on the YouTube channel and perhaps any design changes you'd like to make. All of it will be considered.

Hopefully we can decide on someone before January 1st but it's not a hard deadline.
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Re: We're hiring! - YouTube Coordinator Job Submissions Kat and nano application.

Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:20 pm

Myself and nano120 are applying for the rank of Youtube Co-ordinator. We have worked together on various servers and companies for over 2 years one of which due to some of our publicity helped us gain an average of 30 players a day on one of our servers (Green Seed G-Mod Server. Link: forum.greenseedrp.com) which has been recently shut down due to the owner pursuing his dream of making a company. However, myself and nano are now looking for a server to get involved with and make high quality content. Here is a link to a personal video which was made just for fun:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fek1YV9rlI&t=3s . I can produce more aesthetically pleasing content when I have the time (which both of us now do) We plan to include our own videos as well as some of the community's content, of which me and nano will edit to make it more appealing if not done so already.I am a public service student at college and am taught and involved in leadership and teamwork lessons and activities. When given tasks this would help me in this situation as I can be organised and work well in a team.

Nano on the other hand is amazing with computer programing and is also a media student at school this opportunity will help him develop his editing skills, which are currently very good, even further. He also knows copyright and it's rules. He is an Administration Manager at a company.

We are both indulged in gaming and both have multimedia editing skills (and hardware and software) which we can, within this job, put into practice. Finally, we plan to stream on a regular basis on both, Twitch TV and YouTube Gaming.


internet connection status?
Kat: Strong
nano: Average but stable

Ability to upload in 1080p?

Possession of high quality mic? (To prove it, please join this TeamSpeak Server:
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Re: We're hiring! - YouTube Coordinator Job Submissions

Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:22 pm

I can confirm all of the above.
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Re: We're hiring! - YouTube Coordinator Job Submissions

Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:34 pm

I liked the video you have submitted as part of your application. The Mic used in it was high quality (near to the end of the video) and you speak very well too Kat.

The application is very solid. I'm going to probably go with you two if no one else submits anything better by December 15th. If however I get a lot of different people wanting more time to put something in I'll extend it to December 30th.

Thank you very much for submitting yourselves.
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Re: We're hiring! - YouTube Coordinator Job Submissions

Thu Dec 01, 2016 3:19 am

I wouldn't mind seeing a 2-3 min video about minecraft or the server. Just a little something to show how you'd approach that as a subject.
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Train22's Youtube Coordinator Application

Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:04 pm

I am applying for Youtube Coordinator. The reason why I have decided to do this is because I know how to run a youtube channel, I know what people that watch (minecraft or see a server youtube channel) want to see. I think that this could be a great way to better my experience and help out a great server in the process. I am 15 years of age, my real name is Logan Brisch, I can upload as much as I need to, or as much as I can. This YouTube Coordinator job could be a great way to be a great staff, because I really love to do stuff that involves YouTube.

Here is a link to my own video on the server, it is laggy but I did put up a great video on the server.


This video got 71 views, this video is by far my most popular video on youtube.
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Re: We're hiring! - YouTube Coordinator Job Submissions

Fri Dec 02, 2016 2:01 am

I've reviewed both videos posted so far, and all though I am not a great contributor to an opinion on who makes it, I have a few critiques. Kat and nano, I love it, it was nice and short and it was a great montage. I can understand the transitions because it was a montage, but I don't know if it was just me, but they might be a little choppy for the video. I think you two are more than fit to deserve this job, I liked the music, and just as pri said, you do talk clearly and the mic quality is great. Kra, I don't want to sound rude, but I was a little bored watching everything, I think there needs to be more editing in the video or at least an explanation of what was happening at the beginning. It was a bit confusing and I was lost just watching the text blow by. Try to work on the quality some and good luck to everyone!

I hope this helps in some way!
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Re: We're hiring! - YouTube Coordinator Job Submissions

Fri Dec 02, 2016 5:00 am

I think whomever gets the coordinator position needs to be active on the server. It just makes sense. I like the idea of having a 2 person team, because everyone knows, two brains are better than one. Unless you're a two headed ogre.
It'll also help keep the channel working incase one doesn't have enough time to work on a video when it's due.
I'm comfortable with Kat and nano's app. It was a weird lil montage, with some neat editing and some talking at the end. I imagine each one would get better and better!
I'm sorry Kra, I didn't care for the quality of your video, or the watermark from the recording software in the middle of the video. I hope you do better in the future.
Good luck everyone.
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Re: We're hiring! - YouTube Coordinator Job Submissions

Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:51 am

We are actually creating a trailer kind of thing that will be ready to go up later on today.
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Re: We're hiring! - YouTube Coordinator Job Submissions

Sat Dec 10, 2016 2:48 pm

I am going to be giving the job to PH_Kat and Nano120. You'll both be working together as YouTube Coordinators. Congratulations :)

The rank, sub-forum and YouTube account access will all be setup in due course. Please make sure you both have accounts on renmx.com (it is seperate from the forum logins etc).

EDIT:// Okay so Kat and Nano didn't work out. I've decided not to go forward with the YouTube Coordinator thing as I'm just soured on the whole idea after having all our past videos with three years of our servers history erased. I may get over it but not for a while. :cry:

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