The Rank I'm applying for is: Architect or higher
My Game Name is: ratrat0745 and SealedNova helped aswell
My Project is called: The Burning Cathedral
To get to my project: X: 15651 Y: 65 Z: -2627
A brief description of my project: The Burning Cathedral is a massive structure that I built for my town. It's The Burning Cathedral
because of the religion it follows and the main materials in the build are stone, wood, and clay.
Three mandatory screenshots:
ratrat0745's Rank Application
- ratrat0745
- Member
ratrat0745's Rank Application
Last edited by ratrat0745 on Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- JacquesWilcox
- Architect
- MentosBoost
- Staff
Re: ratrat0745's Rank Application
This rank application will be denied. You shouldn't take credit from other people's work and you have clearly copied the build from this tutorial on Youtube -
- ratrat0745
- Member
Re: ratrat0745's Rank Application
Hey Mentos sorry I wasn't going to submit this my friend irl didn't realize I used a tutorial and he got angry when I said I'm not submitting it. I truly am sorry
- Stephanie
- Legendary Crafter
- CPU: C2E 9300 2.53 @ 3.06
- RAM: 4GB @ 1333MHz
- Motherboard: NVIDIA 730i
- Display: 17" 1920x1200
Re: ratrat0745's Rank Application
One more Rank application like this and you will be banned from making anymore.
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