PshycoSefDeKings architect app

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PshycoSefDeKings architect app

Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:01 am

The Rank I'm applying for is: Architect
My Game Name is: PshycoSefDeKing (ik its long as hell)
My Project is called: a historical mayorial duplex
To get to my project: tp to -13535/63/-7023 and face west its the big ass thing right there
A brief description of my project: a long time ago there was an absolute tie in the mayorial elections so there became 2 mayors they hated each other and had to share a mansion the 2 mayors tradation has been upheld up to now the red white side is 1 mayor the blue yellow side is another and the green is nuetral ground
Three mandatory screenshots: Image
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Re: PshycoSefDeKings architect app

Tue Apr 12, 2016 6:21 am

images don't work however I just had a look in game.

Sadly this is not worth architect and since your apprentice this won't change anything. I do like the design until it came to the pillars. To me they ruined the whole overall look of the build. Another thing was that it was way too small. This size will get you apprentice. You just to triple the size for it to even get to an appropriate size. I like the shape of the mansion but as I said those pillars let it down. I'd suggest taking the pillars down and build underneath the main floor so that then becomes a small top floor. I have a few more idea's but I don't want to take your touch from the build. If you want some little ideas just ask because i can see this becoming a very cool architect application.

Good luck

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Re: PshycoSefDeKings architect app

Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:51 am

can i get a scoring? just for my sake
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Re: PshycoSefDeKings architect app

Tue Apr 12, 2016 8:19 pm

Uniqueness: 6
Beauty: 3
Execution: 3
Scale: 3

Total - 15

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