IMDB by Pri

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IMDB by Pri

Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:33 pm
IMDB by Pri v1.1.2 (2nd March 2016)
(46.07 KiB) Downloaded 738 times

Like this script? Check out some of my other awesome scripts!

New Feature in v1.1
  • Automatic self-updating
    To use this new feature all you need is to download wget from here simply unpack the wget folder and place it into your plugins folder with the rest of your scripts. This script and all future scripts from me will then use wget to automatically update themselves. If you don't want to use this feature you can simply choose not to install wget and the script will still notify you of new versions how it always has in the past.
  • You may host this script as is.
  • You may alter the script however you want, but if you propagate your modified version I'd like you to share it publicly :) - If you don't that's cool too.
  • I reserve the right to deny you access to the IMDB API that the script uses if you abuse the API (Hacking, Overloading it etc)
Setup Difficulty: Easy
  • You must place the file in your Metis Plugins folder & edit your mxc.xml to add the line <include file=""/>
How do I upgrade from an old version?
  • Simply replace the old file with the new one from the top of this post, then restart your bot. Alternatively if you don't want to restart your bot you can enter /mxc load in your bots main chat window, this will make it reload all your plugins without restarting.
Requirements: Features:
  • Can download future updates of itself when it detects wget in your plugins folder New! - v1.1
  • Script can query IMDB directly itself
  • Supports Movie and TV Show lookups
  • Can create its own Folders and Files for storage of previously queried data
  • Can automatically notify you of new versions of the script
  • Enables you to set output of the script to Private (Only those who use command see results)
  • Supports Ouka, FXServer, WCS, RCS, RSWCS and ZCS out of the box
  • !IMDB [Film Name] - Lookup information for a specific film
  • !PublicIMDB - Set the result output to the entire room
  • !PrivateIMDB - Set the result output to only users who perform the query
  • !SetIMDBColour [Number] - Set the menu colours to something other than the default Green (#c4#) to better fit your room
  • Question: I keep getting this error "unknown operator type readweb will default to +" what does it mean?
  • Answer: It means you have an older version of Metis installed. Please download version 2.8 of Metis from the top of this page.
  • ---
  • Question: I keep getting this message "</b>" what does it mean?
  • Answer: It means you have an older version of Metis installed. Please download version 2.8 of Metis from the top of this page.
  • ---
  • Question: I keep getting this message "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC" what does it mean?
  • Answer: It means you have an older version of Metis installed. Please download version 2.8 of Metis from the top of this page.
  • ---
  • Question: Sometimes when I type in a Movie name it only gives me some data, like the plot but not the actors
  • Answer: This can be caused by not having the specified data, a layout change to their website that the Script does not yet support or a temporary downloading issue which meant your Metis was unable to aquire the entire IMDB page for your movie. If it keeps happening please don't hesitate to contact Pri and he will look in to it
Need to Know Stuff:
  • As above it requires version 2.8 of Metis. If you do not use 2.8 (Or a better version than 2.8) Then this script will not work at all.
  • I am happy to offer you 1 to 1 support in your room with this script if you need it, you can find me in the Renegades room on MX
  • 2nd of March 2016: Fixes compatibility with IMDB's website, brings back plots and ratings.
  • 18th of February 2015: Fixes a small bug with the !SetIMDBColour command
  • 4th of April 2013: Fixes compatibility with IMDB's website, adds automatic self-updating, removes usergroups and replaces them with automatic @ level admin restrictions.
  • 3rd of October 2011: Fixed the lack of movie Ratings, this was again due to IMDB website updates
  • 26th of August 2011: Fixed two small UI bugs: Ratings & Genre data. Due to once again, IMDB updating their website :roll:
  • 2nd of August 2011: Fixed a small bug where movie Plots did not appear due to IMDB changing their website code.
  • 9th of July 2011: Fixed a small bug where Ratings did not appear due to IMDB changing their website layout & Also increased compatibility with Metis 2.81 readweb operator.
  • 26th of April 2011: Fixed a small display bug with the character " when used in plot summaries (bug reported by King Nut) + Added basic Metis 2.8 integrity check
  • 19th of March 2011: IMDB again changed the layout of the main Movie pages, this release fixes the missing Genre Data
  • 28th of October 2010: IMDB again changed the layout of the main Movie pages, this release fixes the missing Actor data
  • 6th of October 2010: IMDB redesigned their website, The redesign broke the script completely, this update fixes everything.
  • 6th of August 2010: Script now uses v3 of my IMDB API, includes many improvements in accuracy in finding the correct Film based on your query
  • 30th of July 2010: Moved " and & off Server and in to the Code through suggestion by Richy
  • 20th of July 2010: Fixed a bug that could make content not show on the IMDB due to IMDB changing their layout
  • 19th of July 2010: Fixed a bug where !PrivateIMDB failed to detect WCS 1.8.8 due to a bug in the server
  • 15th May 2010: Added Colour Theming
  • 15th May 2010: Added !PublicIMDB and !PrivateIMDB support
  • 29th of April 2010: First release 1.0a
Thanks Testers:
  • Wavparty from "LATENight Movies"
  • fireblade from "5 Star Quality Movies"
Past Release:
IMDB by Pri v1.1.1 (18th February 2015)
(45.31 KiB) Downloaded 659 times
IMDB by Pri v1.1 (4th April 2013)
(44.94 KiB) Downloaded 775 times
IMDB by Pri v1.0.5 (3rd October 2011)
(41.85 KiB) Downloaded 843 times
IMDB by Pri v1.0.4 (26th August 2011)
(41.43 KiB) Downloaded 837 times
IMDB by Pri v1.0.3 (2nd August 2011)
(41.19 KiB) Downloaded 819 times
IMDB by Pri v1.0.2 (9th July 2011)
(41.03 KiB) Downloaded 809 times
IMDB by Pri v1.0.1 (26th April 2011)
(40.01 KiB) Downloaded 821 times
IMDB by Pri v1.0 (19th March 2011)
(38.38 KiB) Downloaded 855 times
IMDB by Pri v0.9b (28th October 2010)
(38.32 KiB) Downloaded 815 times
IMDB by Pri v0.8b (6th October 2010)
(38.19 KiB) Downloaded 864 times
IMDB by Pri v0.7b (6th August 2010)
(37.17 KiB) Downloaded 853 times
IMDB by Pri v0.6a (30th July 2010)
(35.2 KiB) Downloaded 866 times
IMDB by Pri v0.5a (20th July 2010)
(35.65 KiB) Downloaded 907 times
IMDB by Pri v0.4a (19th July 2010)
(35.64 KiB) Downloaded 856 times
IMDB by Pri v0.3a (15th May 2010)
(34.67 KiB) Downloaded 888 times
IMDB by Pri v0.2a (30th April 2010)
(32.45 KiB) Downloaded 862 times
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Re: IMDB by Pri

Sat May 15, 2010 3:29 pm

Thanks Pri keep up the great work. :D
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Re: IMDB by Pri

Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:13 pm

Created an account just to Thank You for this great script :)

Think I'll hang around a bit :)
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Re: IMDB by Pri

Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:22 am

I just wanted to elaborate on why there has been a new version to fix what has been said in the update as a 'WCS v1.8.8' bug.

In this version of the server it for some reason does not report itself as 1.8.8 to RoboMX. This may be because the string is to long. In any event, this didn't come up in my testing as I tested with WCS 1.8.3 which is correctly detected. The other day a user of my Urban Dictionary script (which isn't released as of this post but will be soon!) was unable to get the !PrivateUrban command to work correctly and after some diagnosing we found it also affected IMDB and Wiki as they all use the same technique to detect the server version.

So this update performs a more rigorous search for WCS in the event that no server has been detected and it will find all past and future WCS versions 100%
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Re: IMDB by Pri

Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:22 pm

Thanks again Pri.Love your work. :geek:
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Re: IMDB by Pri

Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:04 pm

Thanks Pri keep IT up :lol:
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Re: IMDB by Pri

Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:57 am

Todays update to IMDB brings full support for the new IMDB v3 API that I finished last night. The new update will allow the IMDB script to be more accurate in locating the exact movie you are trying to look up. Especially for Movies that haven't been released yet. It does this by having the API report 20 possible movies that are probably your film to the script ranked in likelihood that they are your movie.

The script only downloads the first entry but if the title of this movie doesn't contain the name of the movie you queried the script will then download the other 19 entries and go through them 1 by 1 until it finds a match. If no match is found it then uses the first most likely result (Which is the one that believes your looking for).

Now what kind of performance penalty does this have? -- If the first result from the API is a title match for your query then there is no penalty at all and in-fact you may see a performance increase. If however it doesn't match then you may have to wait an extra 1 or 2 seconds from my testing. But those 1-2 seconds are well worth it for extra accuracy and a correct result over an incorrect useless one. As before the API is easy to use and documented in the script itself so if you are a developer and wish to make your own IMDB rival to this or another IMDB application that has nothing to do with WinMX you are welcome to use the API in that way.

I will be working on v4 of the API when I get time to include even more data in the results. At the moment it exposes IMDB ID's Titles and Years of release.
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Re: IMDB by Pri

Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:41 am

I'm sure more than a few people have come to this thread looking for an updated version of the IMDB script, one that works. IMDB redesigned there website while I was on Holiday (as I anticipated through some information I acquired before I left) so now that I'm back I'm going to update the script and get it working again. I'll probably post an updated version today :)
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Re: IMDB by Pri

Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:32 am

Okay the new version is now posted at the top of this topic. Everything is working as normal again :D
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Re: IMDB by Pri

Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:21 pm

You may have noticed that your IMDB script wasnt working correctly the past 3 days or so. This was due to IMDB altering some more parts of there site and blocking my servers IP Address that hosts the API.

I have now corrected this problem by upgrading my API to version 4. The output is identical to the v3 API so I have simply replaced the /v3/ directory with the new /v4/ code. There is thus no need to update your script this was all server side changes.

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