WhatTheShay's apprentice rank application
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 6:14 pm
The Rank I'm applying for is: Apprentice
My Game Name is: WhatTheShay
My Project is called:The secret room
To get to my project: Go to creative and look for the fences neer a little hut. The fences are NOT my project look inside the hut and open the doors in the front and the back Flip the lever and go beneath Secret room!
A brief description of my project: Ever seen a secret room? well here one is there is a bed some plants and 4 ender chests! Its not in the decorations its in the redstone
Three mandatory screenshots:

My Game Name is: WhatTheShay
My Project is called:The secret room
To get to my project: Go to creative and look for the fences neer a little hut. The fences are NOT my project look inside the hut and open the doors in the front and the back Flip the lever and go beneath Secret room!
A brief description of my project: Ever seen a secret room? well here one is there is a bed some plants and 4 ender chests! Its not in the decorations its in the redstone
Three mandatory screenshots: