LC Application 3

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LC Application 3

Wed Jan 10, 2018 9:05 am

The Rank I'm applying for is: Legendary Crafter

My Game Name is: BokuNoMeku

My Project is called: The Booboo Realm

To get to my project: Coordinates: X=-12182 | Y=96 | Z=3356

A brief description of my project: The Booboo Realm is a nethery faction that has established a small region of control in the surface world. Their beliefs revolve around the hellish underground temple near its only established town. The nethery biome naturally corrupts the area around it over time, slowly bringing the world under the dominance of the BooBoo Realm. Unfortunately for the Booboo Realm, another wintery faction known as Zelicea (thanks Mentosboost) established a warp portal to the edge of the current realm began expanding its own infectious biome across the area. Since the Booboo Realm is their main hindrance, they focused on the creation of a military to invade and destroy the Booboo Realm.

Large expansion of the snow region. The towers and pathways to the military factory, and the factory itself of course, are all new. The snowy region was expanded and large icicles were added as part of the snowy landscape. There are also large warp pads placed right next to the battlefield where the siege weapons are warped in from. The Booboo Realm has a small defense line outside of the town walls now as well. There were also a couple of extremely minor changes to some of the nether-like landscape to help it make more sense.

Three mandatory screenshots:
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Re: LC Application 3

Wed Jan 10, 2018 9:07 am

Uh maybe not so brief of a description. A MORE BRIEF DESCRIPTION: There's a nethery faction infecting the world and establishing its domain, and a new snowy faction showed up to invade and establish its own domain. The large structure with an underground area near the town is the temple that the more established nether faction warships.
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Re: LC Application 3

Fri Jan 12, 2018 11:08 am

Hi Rambo!

I've viewed the build in-game and I'm ready to rate it. I've seen this build quite a few times as it has developed and it's a really nice build, lots of effort has gone into it.

Beauty: 10/10
Uniqueness: 10/10
Execution: 10/10
Scale: 10/10

Congratulations you have earned Legendary Crafter.
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Re: LC Application 3

Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:49 pm

Congratulations Rambo!


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