Messaging system bug reporting and fixes

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Messaging system bug reporting and fixes

Mon May 02, 2016 12:01 pm

This is quite a large feature that will get used hundreds of times a day so it's very important that it works reliably and without issues. So I'm creating this thread to track bugs reported by you and also to store a change log which will list things I have fixed.

Bugs Fixed on May 2nd 2016:
  • When adding more than one player to your first group it wouldn't work correctly
  • When sending a private message containing a website url with special characters (&, # etc) it would fail to send.
  • When sending normal messages with special characters (", %, &, # etc) it would fail to send.
  • It was possible to add invalid usernames to groups, that has been fixed.
  • It was possible to send newlines (\n) in messages, this has been disabled.
  • It was possible to add yourself to a group, that has been fixed.
Bugs Fixed on May 7th 2016:
  • When messaging someone as they switch servers your message may fail to send, it will now locate them mid-server switch.
  • When sending a message that contains both text and a url it may make the url not clickable or the message not get sent at all, this has been fixed.
Bugs I'm aware of that I cannot fix presently.
  • When sending a URL or a message with (very) special characters to a group of players or just to more than two players you won't be able to hover over the message header to view who that message is being sent to. Same situation when receiving messages. This is due to the hover mechanic being unavailable when using text encoding with JSON so the messaging system switches to a system called CMSG written by Adrian when special characters are detected. This isn't a big problem but it is an issue you may come across so I'm listing it here as it's a bug I'm unable to fix presently.
If you encounter any bugs please post those below you will be rewarded.
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Re: Messaging system bug reporting and fixes

Sat May 07, 2016 11:15 am

Hello peoples, I was messaging dal back and forth when I got this message I was just wondering what it means.
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Re: Messaging system bug reporting and fixes

Sat May 07, 2016 11:28 am

After much consideration, I'm gonna make a guess that the msg didn't go through. Hope this helps! :)
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Re: Messaging system bug reporting and fixes

Sat May 07, 2016 11:40 am

That does indeed mean the message was not sent. It's likely she switched servers mid conversation and it takes about 250ms for it to determine the new server the player has gone to. (That's a quarter of a second).

I will add in a fix for it :)
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Re: Messaging system bug reporting and fixes

Sat May 07, 2016 12:30 pm

Okay I believe I have corrected this issue. It will now perform a high performance check on users if the first message sending fails to ascertain the users location. It will also auto-downgrade to the simple messaging system (CMSG) if the first message fails to send which is just generally more reliable.
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Re: Messaging system bug reporting and fixes

Sat May 07, 2016 5:09 pm

Pri wrote:That does indeed mean the message was not sent. It's likely she switched servers mid conversation and it takes about 250ms for it to determine the new server the player has gone to. (That's a quarter of a second).

I will add in a fix for it :)
I hadn't moved servers by the way :)
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Re: Messaging system bug reporting and fixes

Sat May 07, 2016 8:41 pm

Daloria wrote:
Pri wrote:That does indeed mean the message was not sent. It's likely she switched servers mid conversation and it takes about 250ms for it to determine the new server the player has gone to. (That's a quarter of a second).

I will add in a fix for it :)
I hadn't moved servers by the way :)
When he sent you the message a second time, did it arrive or still not?
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Re: Messaging system bug reporting and fixes

Sat May 07, 2016 10:01 pm

Nope it did not
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Re: Messaging system bug reporting and fixes

Sat May 07, 2016 10:11 pm

That's odd. If you can remember what you were trying to write plink let me know here in this thread. Also if it contained a url of some kind it may be related to a bug Rick pointed out which I fixed earlier today.

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