Changes to the Champion Toolset card

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Changes to the Champion Toolset card

Sun Aug 10, 2014 2:17 am

To make the Champion Toolset extra special I've changed the enchantments on them. Previously the tools maxed out at 5 Efficiency, 3 Durability and 3 Fortune for the Pickaxe, Axe and Spade.

Their new enchantments are 7 Efficiency, 5 Durability and 5 Fortune. Remember it takes four entire months to get the complete.

At the moment Rambo_Nol and BioZombieActive have already exchanged their previously redeemed tools for the updated ones. USWS and Rebel can also swap if they wish, simply give me your old tools in-game and I'll reset your tool cards for you.

I think this change really makes these tools quite desirable, they are literally the best tools you can get in the game on our server.

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